Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from December, 2019

Our 2nd full year in NC came to a close this past month.  Santa paid a visit to the neighborhood and Dana scored us tickets to a Panthers game.  We loved decorating for and celebrating Christmas as a family.  We got to ring in the new year with Emerson, this was the first time she's stayed up for it. 
Chance, Alexis and I started the month in PA
 Lex and Georgia
Mommom Gray made some amazing soup before we left for the airport
 some weather when we left that evening, so 515 was in the hangar 
taking off from PHL

touching down back in NC

 Neighbors Pam and Don always go all out with their Christmas decorations 
 Emme holding court with her pups

 time to paint 
 Dana out with the girls on the 3rd
 So I laid down with the Princess
 on way to school on the 4th
 Emme loves her birthday helmet from Nana 
 Ran into the Bermans minus Alex on the 4th

 on way to school on the 5th
 same day, Mike hosted me at his gym
 more like a resort 

 65 years old and in better shape than me

 we love our pups
 finally on the 6th we started to decorate the tree

 breakfast the next day

 Lex started driver's Ed that same day
 and I got a nail in my tire 

 finally back
 tuckered out at 6pm
 F3 awards on the 7th
 Don always goes all out
 party at the Porro residence that same night  
 cuddles and breakfast the next morning 
 still raising the pancake game

 on the way to the dentist on the 9th
 such a good patient 

 she earned a treat
 ice cream!

 we love the Christmas movies 
 dinner and bed on the 12th

 to school on the 13th
 Momma bear sad at work, looking good
 tree topper 
 Santa visited the clubhouse that evening 

 Jiggy and Emme 

 Fullerton's joined us for dinner after 

 Dana scored us tickets for the Panthers that Sunday through work
of course, I had to wear Eagles colors
 Finally got to meet Susie 

 the girls clearly had a blast

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