Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Home Sweet Home. August 11th, 2006.

For those who don't know, we had been living in a townhouse that we were renting for the past two years. It was a nice place in a good area, but we only had 2 bedrooms: Chance was in one, we were in the other and little Lexie slept in a crib off of the kitchen. As you might imagine, this made bedtime as well as getting up in the morning rather difficult. My lease on the old townhouse was up in the middle of August so we started looking around a few months ago. After seeing many houses and townhouses we decided on a nice 3 bedroom townhouse. The lady who was selling the property was downsizing and we were able to pick up several very nice pieces of furniture for bargain prices. The dining room and kitchen tables are two examples. All the walls were a nice, neutral color but we decided to paint the kids' rooms anyway to give them each something a little different. We closed on the 11th of August (Friday) and the movers moved us on Thursday the 17th. We took advantage of the first weekend without the furniture to get all the painting done. Been meaning to post these pics for a while, hope you enjoy the online mini-tour. Can't wait for you all to see the place in person.

Lexie's room Posted by Picasa

Lexie's crib and window treatment Posted by Picasa

Looking to the right of the room - a nice view of the two disney colors we used to paint Lexie's room Posted by Picasa

Looking to the left of the room Posted by Picasa

Shhhhh....someone's having her nap Posted by Picasa

Chance's room - the massive bunk bed set you see we picked up off of E-Bay for $275. That included both dressers seen in the following pics. The set came in many large and small pieces that we had to drive out to NJ for to pick up - but once it all came together it was very solid.  Posted by Picasa

Close up of the bunk bed(s) Posted by Picasa

Looking down the center of Chance's room Posted by Picasa

A good shot of the closet wall - you can get a good idea here of the two colors we used to paint his room - navy blue and cancun blue. Posted by Picasa

The stairway up to the top bunk Posted by Picasa

Lexie and Chance's bathroom - jungle theme Posted by Picasa

Bath mat Posted by Picasa

Looking down onto the family room from the top floor - notice the little recliners for the kids.  Posted by Picasa

A nice view of the family room going into the kitchen from the middle landing of the stairs Posted by Picasa

Kitchen table Posted by Picasa

Bar Stools off the kitchen Posted by Picasa

The Kitchen Posted by Picasa

Dining Room Posted by Picasa

Front door Posted by Picasa

Living room off main entrance Posted by Picasa

Tub in the master bedroom Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Another Softball Title

Not too many pics from this one - but for the second straight year our team took the title for summer softball.

A little blurry but a decent pic. Posted by Picasa
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