Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from February, 2018

What a great month!  I've waited my whole life for the Eagles to win a Super Bowl.  Guess I had to move to NC for it to happen.  Lots of soccer games and all of our mattresses finally came this month.  I had a business trip to Philly over Valentine's week and got to see Mommom before heading back to NC

 Starting the month with a healthy meal for Lex
 Morning hugs from Emme on the 2nd
 Super Bowl week
 At the game with Mom on the 3rd
 Ice cream on the 3rd

 Always grumpy after a nap
 Lettuce tacos on the 6th

 Above, our yard on 2/7.  
Below, cake we sent PPT Boston

 Kids trundle bed mattresses arrived on 2/8

 Above, poster Tom (who I coached with) took the sign to the parade.
Below, although I couldn't get home for the parade I got to watch it online
 My little helper

Our first trip to Lazy Pig BBQ

 Above, Jay visiting with Mommom 
Below, at Chance's game on the 11th
 Nice facility

At the playground with Emme during the 1st half

PK and game winner

 Emme modeling new hot from Liz
below, business dinner on the 13th
 Lex's riddle.  Anyone know the answer?

 Sent gifts from PA

 Finally our new mattress arrived the same day (14th)

 Dinner on the 15th above.
Below with Dave, Nicola and Shamus
 Left these next to my car at the hotel.  Thank God they were still there and I realized they were missing from the office

 Chris and Benson
 Mom and I went to see Mommom before my flight on the 17th

 With Mommom
Plenty of leg room on the way home
 these will be framed
 First fire at the new house on the 18th

 Knocked down a wall for extra storage
 Exhausted on the 19th
 All fixed later that day
 Girls night on the 19th
 Just up from  her nap

 On our way to her practice on the 20th

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