Monday, February 29, 2016

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from February, 2016

February came and went with some of the coldest temperatures in recent memory.  Both older kids continued with and wrapped up their basketball seasons.  Dana took the baby to the aquarium.  I took Dana to NYC for Valentine's weekend.  Lex and I wrapped up the month with a trip to Montage Mountain to ski.  Chance was supposed to be with us for that trip but opted out. 

 Above, pic taken on Feb. 1.  My loaner from Infiniti while they fixed the DVD player in the QX80
 That night, dinner date with Dana

 On the 4th, Dana took Emme to the Camden Aquarium

 Liz had the baby and got some great shots

 Emme mean mugging

 Pics from Chance's game on 2/7

 That night, watching the Superbowl with Emme D

 Liz did the below pic of newborn Emme, and 16 month old Emme

 Visiting daddy at work on 2/11

 The next day I took Dana to NYC for Valentine's Day

 It was damn cold that weekend

 Brunch above was less than great, but dinner below (Dan Barber, Chef's Table) was outstanding

 2 of the 6 courses above and below
 Complimentary jam to go

 On our way out of NYC we always stop at our favorite store.  Lex was given the choice of the sneakers above or below, she picked above (her mother's choice too)
 New beds for the dogs! 

 Breakfast date (2/15)

 Burgers and ice cream with the kids that night

 The baby got to hang with daddy all day on the 20th

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