Sunday, November 06, 2005

Our Trip to the Springs. October 28th - 31st, 2005.

During my 2 years in the Springs I was fortunate to cover every home game for the Denver Broncos. As soon as I saw the Eagles schedule and that they would be playing in Denver on the Sunday before Halloween, I figured it would be a great excuse to get back out to the Springs and see everyone. Since I've been gone, a number of friends have also had children: Jesse and Sjahna Kurtz have an 8 month old Son, Kellen; Matt and Misty Meister have a Son, Nathan, who was born in July; And, even though we didn't get the chance to meet him, Rob and Cassie Namnoum had a Son, Robbie in September I believe. It was a fantastic weekend - only dampered by the pounding the Birds took on Sunday.

Lexie samples an evening mint left on the pillow... Posted by Picasa

and tries out the bed Posted by Picasa

They meet! Jesse and Sjahna are good friends from our days in the Springs. Their son, Kellen, is 8 months old. We had seen plenty of pics as they had seen of Lexie, but we were excited to be able to meet the little fella in person. Friday night football kept Jesse at work late, so Sjahna brough Kellen over to meet everyone... Posted by Picasa

Meeting of the minds Posted by Picasa

Kellen is still figuring out what to make of Lexie Posted by Picasa

This kid looks just like his old man Posted by Picasa

Chubby cheeks Posted by Picasa

Sjahna with Lexie and Dana with Kellen Posted by Picasa

Another one of the gang Posted by Picasa

Kyle with Lex Posted by Picasa

My Girl Posted by Picasa

Mom with Kellen Posted by Picasa

Sjahna with Lexie Posted by Picasa

Kellen's gonna try Lexie's Elmo phone Posted by Picasa

The babies at dinner Posted by Picasa

Another one Posted by Picasa

Kellen with his mom before bed Posted by Picasa

Jesse with Lex before golf Posted by Picasa

We got 18 in on Saturday and the weather was great. This is team #1. Posted by Picasa

Team #2 Posted by Picasa

While we were golfing Dana decided to dress the baby up in her Halloween costume and take some pics Posted by Picasa

Nice hat kid Posted by Picasa

Cute booties Posted by Picasa

Cutest butterfly I've ever seen Posted by Picasa

one more... Posted by Picasa
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