Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from August, 2016

August started with a visit from Dice and his kids which I enjoyed, since Dana and the kids were in NC at the time.  We had our annual trip to Myrtle Beach where I was able to meet up with the family.  Emme had her first commercial plane ride and did great!  We celebrated Mom's birthday dinner and finally had our deck repaired.  The kids also started a new school year (7th and 8th grade) on August 29th. 

 Dice and the kids arrived for a visit on July 31st.  Upon arrival, Braden exchanged $55 for $55 worth of quarters, seen here in jar
 FT with my girls while they were on their way to NC
 Work on the 1st, we missed the memo on maroon

 Out to dinner on Aug 1st with Dice and the kids
 More pics from NC in the meantime

 on the 2nd, Dice took the kids to Dorney Park

 On my way to dinner with the B man

 They all were comfortable in the basement

 Next series of pics were taken by the girls of the kids at the lake in SC where Dana and the kids were from August 4-6th

 Pic Jay sent to me from while visiting Mommom
 18 with Galati on the 7th

 Above, pic from Myrtle Beach.  Below, following the round with Dan

 Couple more pics from SC

 Morning of 8/10, dropping the pups off at daycare

 Look who I ran into at the airport
 Later that day I arrived at the resort
 4pm - on the beach with the fam! 

 With Lex that night

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