Sunday, July 31, 2016

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from July, 2016

Chance was unable to attend camp due to his broken foot.  The cast came off on July 1st and a walking boot went on that was to stay for 2 weeks.  Poppop was nice enough to fly us down to Monroe that day so Chance could spend the summer with his grandparents.  From Monroe, we were flown to Nashville from which we took a one way flight back to PA after the holiday.  We got Lex back from camp on the 19th (below pic) and got a great clip of Emme seeing her for the first time following her nap.  The month concluded with a visit from James and his kids, I was happy to have them. 

 Dana and I got to spend the holiday weekend at her GF's house in Nashville

 beautiful home

 Mrs. Allen

 The meals there were amazing

 6 shower heads!

 90 minute waits for breakfast

 DJ in her element

 Waiting for the fireworks display on the 4th, the largest in the world we were told

One hell of a finale 

 Above, dinner on 7/6 for Jay's birthday

 Fun with mom on the 8th

 Off to softball states on the 9th

 Meeting our new neighbors Marcos and Daniel on July 10th

 Date night with the Mrs, 7/16

 Hanging with Mrs. Hagan on the 17th

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