Sunday, December 31, 2017

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from December, 2017

Talk about a busy month.  We started December as residents of PA and ended it as residents of NC.  Quite a roller coaster along the way.  Dinner to start the month with Mommom and Poppop.  A company Christmas party, an annual Christmas party.  Packing and moving is stressful, lots of work.  Special thanks to my in-laws who took us on over the holidays and helped bridge the gap while we were homeless. 

 Emme and her Bubby on Dec. 2nd
 Not sure what was going on here
 The kids meet Max! 

 Nice dinner with Mommom on the 3rd

 Great shot of Chance with his Mommom and Poppop
 Emme game face

Great Waiter for this meal

 Lunch with Mom on the 3rd

 Dinner with Poppop on the 5th
 Love this pic

 Emme on the 9th
 I got to meet the little man on the 10th
 Loved having the air mattress up against the couch

 Dana and I are very proud of the way the kids finished up school in PA

Emme loves watching Pinocchio

 PPT Broomall Christmas Party - 12/13

 Mr. Crumpton won the 55 inch TV
 with Barb Stevenson

 The heart and soul of AMI 

 Pups keeping warm on the 15th
 Took the wife out for one last dinner in Philly that night

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