Monday, December 12, 2005

Dinner with Elise, Steph and Maddie. November 10th, 2005.

Well, it's been a busy month and it's taken me until Mid-December to get these pics posted from Novemeber 10th. Elise was in town for the weekend and Steph made her way down from Connecticut. Lexie is almost walking, climbing stairs, and keeping us up at night. She will be a year old on Jan. 3rd if you can believe that.

Happy baby Posted by Picasa

Dad's getting her belly! Posted by Picasa

Chub-tub Posted by Picasa

These next few pics are from dinner on Thursday Nov. 10th - Elise was in town with Maddie as was Steph. Posted by Picasa

Lexie with her Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Elise. Posted by Picasa

Chance with Maddie on his lap - the old man supervises. Posted by Picasa

Mommom with Alexis Posted by Picasa

Eva (Elise and Steph's Grandmother), Elise, Stephanie, Maddie and Mommom.  Posted by Picasa

A little blurry, but not bad Posted by Picasa

Maddie with her Poppop Posted by Picasa

Stephers with Maddie Posted by Picasa

Uncle Jer is working on putting the bambino to bed... Posted by Picasa

...and she's fading... Posted by Picasa

Well done Jerry! Lexie is out like a light. Posted by Picasa

Good shot - Poppop with his two sons Posted by Picasa

Aunt Millie, Maureen and Mom. Posted by Picasa

These next two are from dinner one night with Barbara (my mother's God-daughter from Toronto) and her son, Cameron. Posted by Picasa

Another one Posted by Picasa

Had to throw these two in...My cousin Andrew and his wife Michele will be in Arizona for Christmas this year, so we had a little get together at my Uncle Jerry's on Sunday. These are the PJ's that Andy and Michele got for the kids for X-mas - very soft, and very thoughtful...thanks guys! Posted by Picasa

Another one of the kids in the new PJ's Posted by Picasa
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