Thursday, February 28, 2019

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from February, 2019

What a month.  Play dates for Emme, soccer games and tournaments for the older kids as well as a new car for Chance to make up for the one he was rear-ended in. 

 The many faces of Emerson

 With neighbors Kinsley and Trendan on the 7th
 and holding baby Hadelyn

 at casa de Berman on the 8th

post game meal with the girls on 2/10
 Lucky kid, purchased on the 10th
 One happy camper
Uh oh, this concerned us a great deal at the time
 Test driving what was to become Chance's new car on the 13th
 V-Day!  Alex above dressed like a Champ.  Emme's class below 
 I attended her class party 

Remember the limp from yesterday?  

This kid cracks me up
 Heading to Charleston with Lex for a tournament 

 Great food out of this truck

 Above, smokin hot moms at the kids bday party
 Pretty Princesses

 Above, the dads
below, the daughters 
 Above, Dana and Melissa the same night
Dinner below with the squad

 Above, dear friends Jesse and Sjahna sent a pic from the Famous.  A steakhouse we enjoyed when we lived in CO Springs
 Watching the slam dunk contest with the other dads
The squad below
 Dave recommended Legal Remedy brewing company, so Lex and I hit it up on the way home

Meeting Cali on the 17th

Just a typical night of on call - 2/18

Chance's new car was delivered on the 21st
DQ with mom on the 21st

our last night hanging out with the Bermans at their home before they moved (2/23)
 Lex soccer on the 24th
 On our way to Nana and Grandpa's that night 
 Find the puppy
Etta, Emme and Emme
 School friends on the 25th

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