Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Assorted Pics and Video Clips from April, 2019

We started off April with some snow.  A rare sight in NC.  Emme had her Spring concert at school and stole the show.  Thunder jerseys finally came in mid month.  Easter with Nana and Grandpa and we got to close out the month celebrating Chance's 16th.  We also took in a baseball game which was hosted by Movement Mortgage who helped get us into our NC home. 
 Lucy enjoying the sun on April 1st.
below:  shocking.  Pick the kids up from school and take them to eat.  They're all on their phones
We woke up to SNOW in NC on the 2nd:
On the way to school:
The view from the back of school:
and the front:
 When we got home, I couldn't find Emme's gloves!  Here she is sporting mine
 Love me some Joe Fullerton for bat grips 
 GJ back home
 Tough getting up some mornings - here on the 4th
 play date with Alex on the 4th
 Charlotte Knights on the 5th

Blue rocks game in May of 2013 in top pick (below) , our last minor league game
 Play date with Jiggy on the 6th
 Pong with James same day
 Hanging with the guys - Mike, Todd, Tommy & Kevin

 Cuban pulled pork on the 7th
 only served on Sundays

 Dogs all clean on the 11th before picking Emme up
 The kids all looking great before their Spring Concert 
 This kid lit up the stage

 Pic from home of GJ
Nana and Grandpa got a new puppy 

 The Easter Bunny comes to Briarcrest on the 13th
 Lex soccer that afternoon.  Love Greg's umbrella 

 More pics of GJ

 Finally on the 14th our Thunder jerseys came in

 Dinner with my girl that evening 
 School Easter gift for Momma!
 Following our first win in the new threads - 4/17

 Baby girl looking great on school picture day (4/18)
 Brunch with mom and dad the next day
 With Dan and Derek on the 19th
 Dana helping with the dog sitting the next day

 Marvin and Melissa had an 80's themed party for London's Birthday
 Bedtime on the 21st

 Easter pics and clips!  

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